About us

Welcome to RomanticosHotels.com, the passion project of Tristan Montgomery and his beautiful wife, Isabella Montgomery.

Our Journey

Our love story began in the cobbled streets of Verona, under the same balcony where Romeo declared his love for Juliet. Since then, we’ve been on a never-ending journey, discovering the most romantic spots and hidden gems across the globe. Romanticos Hotels is a culmination of those travels – a curated list of hotels, retreats, and lodges that offer the perfect backdrop for your love story.

Why Romanticos?

With the vast sea of information on the internet, finding a perfect romantic getaway can be overwhelming. Often, couples find themselves in places that look wonderful in pictures but lack that essential romantic touch. We’ve been there, and we understand the difference between a simple vacation and an unforgettable romantic experience.

Every place featured on Romanticos Hotels has been personally visited and vetted by us. We assess the ambiance, the service, the views, and every little detail that can make or break a romantic vacation. We believe in authenticity, quality, and experiences that create lasting memories.

Meet the Montgomery

Tristan Montgomery: A self-proclaimed romantic, Tristan has an eye for detail and a heart that beats for travel. An author by profession, he loves penning down experiences from their travels and offering insights that help couples find their perfect romantic escape.

Isabella Montgomery: Isabella’s vivacity and zest for life bring energy to all their adventures. With a background in interior design, she has a knack for recognizing places that have a perfect blend of aesthetics and comfort. She believes that every couple deserves a fairy-tale vacation, and she’s made it her mission to find those places.

Together, the Montgomerys form the heart and soul of Romanticos Hotels. Their complementary strengths and shared love for each other and for travel ensure that every recommendation on the site is genuine, heartfelt, and tested.

Join Us

We invite you to explore Romanticos Hotels, dive deep into our recommendations, and let us be a part of your love story. Whether it’s an anniversary, a honeymoon, or just a weekend away from the hustle and bustle, we’re here to help you make it special.

Happy travels and even happier memories!


Tristan & Isabella Montgomery